Yes! TA recently got some funding and is now under production.

Where: Kristiansand city, southern Norway

Temporary Academys core will be september 2014. The precise program is being developed and will be updated and published step by step. You can start by pre-registering or just request further information in english or Norwegian 

(N) Meld deg på til workshop og seminarer!

Programmet er under utarbeidelse og informasjon om dette oppdateres fortløpende. Noen workshop og seminarer er allerede på plass og påmeldingen kan begynne. Her er det begrenset antall plasser og det er derfor lurt å melde seg på tidlig. For å se på programmet klikk her

1. Workshops for artists and students 1. - 8. September
workshops will be run by international experienced experts in the field of visual arts and performance. The program will be announced step by step. You are welcome to apply for participation. Please mark it in your agenda already now, and you are welcome to pre-register.

2. Central platform: 8.- 22. September
This platform includes seminars, public lectures (some of them will be in Norwegian), presentations, performances, tea-ceremonies, open discussions and free-sones for independent work and improvisation.
The precise program will be announced later on. Please take contact with us in case you would like to contribute in any way.

3. Open marathon-symposium for all artists: estimated 20/21. September
Call for artists: local-, regional- and other artists are invited to contribute with a 5-minute- lecture, presentation or performance. Visual artists, musicians, philosophers, writers and artists from other disciplines are welcome to contribute and to join the party. Please send us a note about your possible contribution.

Venues / locations:

- project-hall "Exerserhuset" Kristiansand city
- Lighthouse at the island of Odderøya (see photo below on
  this blogg)
- environments around Kristiansand

please don´t hesitate to take contact or to pre-register for participation or for further information: