About Temporary Academy

(Link to André Tribbensees lecture about TA on YouTube)

Temporary Academy Norway is a project by artist and curator André Tribbensee. Its core, containing workshops and lectures, has been pursued in september 2014.

Brief description 

Temporary Academy, hereafter referred to as "TA" is a concentrated forum for artistic work and development in Kristiansand, Norway.
TA wanted to offer participants and the people of Kristiansand a contribution that could lead to a deeper understanding of contemporary art, its functions and potentials. TA operated independently without institutional superstructure, project- based within a limited period in 2014. Satelite projects have been extending this period in advance and after, and new initiatives are blossoming up from time to time since. TA has been referred to in dissertations and lectures at universities in Norway and abroad, and it has inspired artists, academics and other initiatives.

The program in 2014 consisted of the following components:
- practical workshops for internationally recruited participants
- a central meeting forum in Kristiansand, with public presentations, discussions, seminars and open lectures including zones for improvisation and action.
- open spaces and initiatives for social interaction and contemplation such as Tea ceremonies, groups for gardening and food activism, creating a community anybody could join, providing free meals and accommodation.
- a symposium open for local and regional artists, inviting them to participate with their own presentations and performances.
- a symposium for theorists.
- an open space, inviting artist to create own workshops and gatherings.

Workshops, lectures and projects nomadically happened on different sites and facilities in the region of Kristiansand.

The aim of Temporary Academy is to initiate learning- and transformation- processes, individually and in public, in a setting of interactive situations and encounters, rather than to exhibit representational art to an audience.

Need in Kristiansand:
TA meets a need in this region, due to the absence of free art education and accompanying miljø. However there is an ongoing development of cultural industries and entertainment- based productions, in my opinion, many locally developed or presented projects lack philosophical and artistic depth. Arts potential may be underestimated or misunderstood.
TA wants to generate ideas, impulses and issues in communication with its direct environment, its multicultural society, and in a global perspective. After 7 years since TA was started this seems still to be the case in 2021. In recent times we see universities and foundations putting sustainability, diversity and conflict research on their agendas, still there is little change to see in their own practice when their credibility seems to be undermined by still following a neoliberal agenda of stimulating the increase of consumption, entertainment and commercialisation as a main motor for economy and culture and a measurement of their own success. Digitalisation seems to be the new and obviously unquestioned religion and mantra, promising public fundings for every program, still unlimited increase of opportunities, markeds, and economic growth.

During my research between 2012-14, I have been examining a number of educational art projects, with temporary and alternative art- schools across the world, taken own experience from working on several institutional art-colleges, including learning from their limitations, into account.
Within Temporary Academy we applied experimental educational tools, developed not by theorists, but by artists, tutors and mediators through their own artwork and educational practice.
Collective processes and improvisation plays an important part in TA ́s concept. Through organisational independence, a flexible structure and a management based on equality and selv- responsibility, we wish to make sure that these can occur and unfold.

notes from TAs beginning in 2014:
Kristiansand city, southern Norway

Temporary Academys core time will be september 2014. The precise program will be updated and published step by step.

1. Workshops for artists and students 1. - 12. September
workshops will be run by international experienced experts in the field of visual arts and performance. The program will be announced step by step. You are welcome to apply for participation.

2. Central platform: 8.- 22. September
This platform includes seminars, public lectures (some of them will be in Norwegian), presentations, performances, tea-ceremonies, open discussions and free-sones for independent work and improvisation.
The precise program will be announced later on. Please take contact with us in case you would like to contribute in any way.

3. Open marathon-symposium for all artists: estimated 20/21. September
Call for artists: local-, regional- and other artists are invited to contribute with a 5-minute- lecture, presentation or performance. Visual artists, musicians, philosophers, writers and artists from other disciplines are welcome to contribute and to join the party. Please send us a note about your possible contribution.

Venues / locations:

- project-hall "Exerserhuset" Kristiansand city
- Lighthouse at the island of Odderøya (see photo below on
  this blogg)
- environments around Kristiansand

please don´t hesitate to take contact or to pre-register for participation or for further information:

TA has received fundingss: an artist- scholarship and project support from Vest-Agder County Norway, multiple project support from the municipality of Kristiansand, support from Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond. TA has been collaborating with local partners and all local art institutions such as Cultiva Express, Kristiansand Kunsthall, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Agder Kunstsenter, Stiftelsen Arkivet, further on with private partners, volontary workers, artists and scientists from Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Co cordinators: Atle Haaland, Jostein Aase Tønnessen, venue manager Timo Helmers.


Temporary Academy (TA) er et verkstedsrom for kunst i Kristiansand i september 2014.
I det midlertidige akademiet vil presentasjoner, diskusjoner og foredrag være offentlige.
Seminarer, aksjoner, frirom for improvisasjon, symposium og teseremonier er deler av programmet. TA tar kuratoriske grep og eksperimentelle virkemidler i bruk for å innlede individuelle og kollektive læringsprosesser. 
Arbeids- og aksjonsgrupper, kunstnere forskere og eksperter bidrar til programmet.
Det er mange muligheter for deltakelse. Meld deg på workshop eller vær med i våre forberedende arbeidsgrupper og initiativ.

Kontakt: tribbensee(at)hotmail.com

TA på facebook: https://www.facebook.com/temporaryacademy/timeline

Temporary Academy er et prosjekt av kunstner og kurator André Tribbensee

TAs partnere er Kristiansand kommune, Vest-Agder fylkeskommune, Cultiva Ekspress, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand Kunsthall, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Agder Kunstsenter, Stiftelsen Arkivet, samt inviterte kunstnere, forskere, eksperter og mange frivillige. Co-koordinatorer: Atle Haaland, Jostein Aase Tønnessen, teknisk sjef Timo Helmers.

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